janeiro 2025
Morre, aos 82 anos, o pai de Arthur Lira
Morreu nesta terça-feira, 14, o prefeito de Barra de São Miguel (AL), o ex-senador Benedito de Lira, mais conhecido como Biu Lira. O pai do presidente da Câmara dos Deputados, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), tinha 82 anos e morreu depois de sofrer uma parada cardíaca. O corpo de Biu Lira começa a ser velado nesta terça-feira no cemitério Parque das Flores, em Maceió. O enterro está marcado para às 10h desta quarta-feira, no mesmo local. + Leia mais notícias […]
Lawless II: Critical Theory Returns with a Vengeance
Yesterday I laid out my how my personal experience led me to “do the work” and write Lawless. That research uncovered some disturbing differences from when I was in law school in the early 2000s. Back then, critical theory was a spent force. But now “the crits” are back, even stronger, and not just in literature and sociology departments. Critical legal studies (CLS), which developed in the 1970s, teaches that laws enshrine biases against marginalized groups and thus […]
Cato Responds: Biden Foreign Legacy Remarks
With just days left in office, President Joe Biden held his final remarks on foreign policy, highlighting his legacy by arguing that his administration strengthened the United States’ global standing. But his policies did no such thing, as Jon Hoffman, a research fellow at the Cato Institute, points out in his statement: lead , President Biden’s speech was detached from any semblance of reality. To pretend the Biden administration’s foreign policy was anything other than a colossal failure […]
Production Is Spiritual, Not Material
“Production is not an act of creation; it does not bring about something that did not exist before. It is a transformation of given elements through arrangement and combination. The producer is not a creator. Man is creative only in thinking and in the realm of imagination. In the world of external phenomena he is only a transformer. All that he can accomplish is to combine the means available in such a way that according to the laws […]
Meme sugere que o real ganhará um novo animal nas cédulas: o ‘já vali’
A desvalorização do real em relação à alta do dólar gerou grande repercussão nas redes sociais, e resultou em uma série de memes e comentários bem-humorados. Muitos internautas usaram a criatividade para lidar com a situação, e transformaram a notícia econômica em motivo de piada. + Leia mais notícias de Política em Oeste No Instagram, publicações ironizaram o cenário atual. Uma das brincadeiras que ganhou destaque sugeriu que o real passaria a estampar um novo símbolo animal em […]
Be Skeptical of ‘Beneficially Coercive’ New Rules for Booze
A new warning from Surgeon General Vivek Murthy that links alcohol to cancer ought to raise questions about the purpose of such public health edicts—especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw a dramatic decline in Americans’ willingness to trust such expertise. Is the goal of public health to provide scientifically accurate information so Americans can understand the risks and trade-offs that are an inevitable part of life? Or is the goal to change public behavior […]
Today in Supreme Court History: January 14, 1780
1/14/1780: Justice Henry Baldwin’s birthday. Justice Henry Baldwin The post Today in Supreme Court History: January 14, 1780 appeared first on Reason.com.
Exposing the Plan to Extort $$$ from Dr Sam Bailey
As many of you know Dr Sam Bailey along with her husband, Dr Mark Bailey, gave up their medical licenses because they refused to stay within the corrupt system that required doctors to quietly follow orders to Jab, Mask and Censure – Or Else. Well… The “Or Else” is still after Sam. In this video, HERE, she updates you on this heinous $$$ shakedown and how she and Mark are standing up for Medical and Health Freedom. This is […]