What would Milei do?

Many libertarians have great ideals but we are politically stupid. Most of is are not interested in understanding politic and prefer to just blame commies. How does that get us? Nowhere.

We need leaders.

Leaders that understand politic and pick good strategies for us and explain to us clearly.

Someone like https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/s/NAbdxfrEen


If I can I would clone Milei and make them my president. We can do the next best thing. What would Milei do in our or your situation. Ask himself. Do it.

Let me gives you a sample.

Should you vote Donald or Kamala or Oliver?

My understanding is libertarians can’t possibly like Kamala.

That’s a tough choice.

Oliver can’t beat Kamala. Obviously.

Many says voting doesn’t matter. If voting doesn’t matter why Donald bother coming to Libertarian ?

Many ancaps say voting is aggression. Yea. So is shooting people. If ancapnistan is invaded will you do nothing because shooting people is aggressions?

Just because you don’t vote doesn’t mean others won’t vote to take your money.

Escape taxes with bitcoin or xmr all you want, but vote still you should consider.

Others say that libertarian parties need votes too. We can arrange things.

If you are in swing states vote Trump. Don’t let commie Kamala win.

If you are in non swing states vote Oliver. Notice libertarian parties, if it wants to remain pure and principled, will never win election.

Pure capitalism cause so much wealth disparity that most people will be envy. You will always have to vote for lesser evil democracy.

But this is ancap forum. You hate voting. Sure. What does it take to get ancapnistan going? Political success. Let voting be a way to learn how to achieve political success.

And then things get complicated right?

Who should you vote for? Should you even vote?

You got to make decisions. Not as important as your decision to stockbitcoino or xmr but it’s something you should think about.

And this is where Milei comes in.

Ask Milei.

Who should you vote for?

You like Milei. Just follow him. He shares our ideals and understand how politic works.

Trump isn’t a full libertarian. No one is. But this guy beat the fuck up of Hilary with so little campaign funds.

He will lower taxes.

He will free Ulbricht. Ask him to free https://www.justice.gov/usao-nh/pr/ian-freeman-sentenced-8-years-prison-operating-bitcoin-money-laundering-scheme ian Freeman too.

Ian Freeman has done a lot to promote libertarianism. Are we, libertarians, so individualist that we just abandon people like him. If we do then we deserve having commie president because even they take care their heroes.

I may be wrong.

It’s complex isn’t it.

When in doubt.

Ask Milei.

Or, when you are confused. Ask yourself this.

What would Milei do?

submitted by /u/Both_Bowler_7371
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