Why is a huge chunk of Reddit anti-capitalism?

It’s ironic that subs like FluentinFinance or EconcomicCollapse turn out to be not so economical literate. I understand criticism of capitalism. But to replace it with communism?? It’s like the extinct USSR, North Korea or Cuba aren’t a thing. Capitalism is a million times better. If most of reddit had even an ounce of work ethic, they would be able to accomplish what they want. Instead they prefer to give big daddy government more power so their useless carcasses can sit out while the rest of us get robbed of our labor.

If I seem defensive it’s because I am. I come from poor Mexican immigrants. I grew up in a trailer park. But still, never relied on government handouts. I don’t even have a college degree. For the first few years, I worked crappy dead end jobs. My first job paid me $9 an hour. But everytime I got a new job, I made sure it paid me more. I never blamed capitalism for my failures or low wages. I made an effort to better myself and shocker, I eventually ended up with a solid job. I have no sympathy for those who would trade freedom for a bit of security.

submitted by /u/MyPhoneSucksBad
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