Ask me anything about socialism!

The Austrian economic definition of socialism typically characterizes it as an economic system where the means of production are owned or controlled by the state, or more generally, where there is central planning rather than free-market or even subtly mixed market allocation of resources. Austrians, following Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek, argue that socialism is inherently flawed because it lacks a functioning price mechanism. Without prices determined by free market competition, they claim, there is no rational way to allocate resources efficiently, leading to what they call “economic calculation problems.”

The Austrian definition reduces socialism to state ownership and central planning, which ignores the variety of socialist models. Socialism encompasses a range of economic systems, including market socialism, decentralized planning, and cooperative ownership, which may still use prices or quasi-market mechanisms. This narrow definition dismisses any socialist approach that doesn’t fit the central planning/state control model.

Let’s free ourselves from semantic games (the act of using narrow or selectively chosen definitions to frame a debate or argument in a way that favors one side, while dismissing or ignoring other valid interpretations or definitions) And actually tackle the things so commonly misunderstood. I have read everything from classical Austrian to contemporary and have a wonderful library of socialist literature among other things so I would appreciate if you only talk about things you have access to, no random claims that reveal you’ve never read any texts or engaged beyond secluded shadowboxing. 🙂

submitted by /u/DustSea3983
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