Lawrence Montreuil and Max Hyman Join the Cato Institute’s Government Affairs Team

Washington, D.C.— The Cato Institute is pleased to announce Lawrence Montreuil and Max Hyman as directors for government affairs.

Montreuil is a former legislative director at the American Legion and Hyman is a former professional staff member in the United States Senate for the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

At the American Legion, Montreuil served as the chief lobbyist and political advisor to a membership organization of nearly two million while employing a government affairs team in support of organizational objectives. He previously served as an infantry officer for almost nine years in the United States Marine Corps. Montreuil received a bachelor’s in international trade and transportation from the State University of New York Maritime College and a master’s in public policy from George Mason University.

“We are thrilled to have Lawrence joining us at Cato,” said Chad Davis, Cato’s Vice President for Government Affairs. “He has a unique background that will make him an exceptional voice for Cato’s principles, especially with issues in the foreign policy field,” said Davis. “Because he has been a leading voice on veterans issues, Lawrence has critical insights into many domestic issues at the heart of the Institute’s mission.”

At the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, Hyman oversaw areas under the committee’s jurisdiction pertaining to water resources, economic development, and public buildings. Prior to that, he served as a legislative assistant in the office of Sen. Shelley Moore Capito.

Hyman received a bachelor’s from West Virginia University, a master’s in journalism and mass communications from Marshall University and a master’s in public administration from George Mason University.

“Max’s extensive and diverse congressional experience will be incredibly valuable as we continue to build Cato’s government outreach efforts,” Davis noted. “With in-state, personal office, and committee staff experience, Max brings a deep understanding of congressional processes and an extensive personal network, both of which will immediately help further the mission of the Cato Institute. We are very excited to have him join the team.”

Lawrence Montreuil can be reached at lmontreuil@​cato.​org and
Max Hyman can be reached at mhyman@​cato.​org.

For all other government related inquires please email govaffairs@​cato.​org.
