Why it doesn’t make sense to worry about budget deficits if your interests are different than owners of territory

You don’t own your country in a democracy. under feudalism the feudal Lords own the teritory. Democracy is more like everyone has squatter rights.

You are more like a customer. In democracy, customers can vote.

In fact, I propose to simply turn voters into shareholders so your incentives are more similar to owners.

Like Moldbug I think everything should be privatized, including countries and cities.

Here is a sample why it should differ.

Trump lower tax. Libertarians care about budget deficits.

Think about it. Are you a customer or owner of your country?

If you can sell your citizenship, got dividend, and can bequeath your citizenship to your children, then yes you should worry about budget deficit.

That’s because those budget deficit will reduce either your dividend or your resale value of citizenship.

If you don’t get dividend and can’t sell your citizenship, then you are just a customer.

There is no strong linkage between government losing money and you lose money. If the money doesn’t go to you it will most likely go to some welfare queen with 20 children.

It will be like not choosing Xiaomi phone because xiaomi doesn’t balance its budget.

Tax is the price we pay so we don’t go to jail. The lower the better and that’s it.

Deficits are owners’ problems. You don’t own. You are just a customer that can vote. So don’t worry.i

submitted by /u/Both_Bowler_7371
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