Next president of Suriname, Maya Parbhoe, wants to radically decentralize, removing all govt eventually!

Maya is running (and widely favored to win with a 90% approval rating) for President of Suriname in May. She’s a huge bitcoiner and loves austrian economics.

In Sunday’s ‘The Bitcoin Podcast” with Walker, she lays out how after removing the central bank and implimenting a bitcoin standard using only bitcoin in the country, she’s going to decentralize and privatize many other departments one by one and eventually get down to having no government at all. You can see the relevant clip here:

In it she speaks of it being time for sovereign nations and centralized authority to disappear altogether! Even Milei doesn’t hope to completely remove his government, so Maya is the one we need to be watching like a hawk with actual hope towards eventual anarchy.

Her country is much smaller than Milei’s, (only 600k population) so she’s going to be able to get a lot more done and isn’t afraid to go ‘full Bukele’ on the inherent corruption there. In fact, those corrupted politicans literally murdered her father and stole all of her family’s wealth, so it’s payback time for her. (She gave that whole story in another podcast back in May.)

Here’s the Spotify link to Sunday’s full podcast:

And here’s her Geyser (bitcoiner gofundme) campaign page for bitcoiners to contribute to her election. The goal amount isn’t just enough to compete, it’s enough to win the campaign and fund her additional security: (Yes she’s well aware of what happens when you try to shut down a central bank.)

If there was ever a politician that had a chance to move their country towards real anarchy, Maya is uniquely situated to do this. Her tiny country, her quest for justice against the evil that killed her father, her bitcoin celebrity, and her full understanding of decentralization all work in her favor to accomplish our goal.

submitted by /u/maxcoiner
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