Why I believe so few normies are going to accept Austrian Economics.
So something I’ve noticed as I’ve been explaining the Austrian school is that you have to explain so much more about how it works than Marxist do. Like when I was a “libertarian socialist”(I.e a tanky that hadn’t realized it) any time I explained my thoughts was more just going “ don’t you want free stuff and don’t you think people should have their basic needs met” and then hoping they don’t push on it because there was nothing there. Compared to now I’m pretty much going “yeah we should get rid of the fed, hold on let me explain” then having to spend 20 mins going over everything.
So I’ve come to realize that we’re essentially on a losing front because we have so much more to do to get a person to understand what we’re trying to say. Or am I just over thinking things, which is not uncommon for me.
submitted by /u/Average_Centerlist
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