Unions and Government Control

I recommend people read up on the union story in America. The Cordwainers union was prosecuted by government for illegal trade practices in 1806 when they attempted to strike for higher wages. Basically it was big business protectionism by the courts.

What’s interesting is the shift in the 1930’s by the Wagner Act where the courts now defend the union. If we acknowledge that government doesn’t protect people, why then would the courts change to protecting unions? Simple, through the formation of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), now the government controls not only the business, but the worker.

What makes it even more interesting is factoring in direct elections of senators.

To summarize

  • In the 1800s, control through business relied on a close relationship between federal power and state-controlled senatorial appointments, which often aligned with industrial elites.
  • In the 1900s, direct election allowed the federal government to engage directly with the electorate, enabling it to pivot to union-friendly policies and expand welfare programs, ensuring loyalty from an increasingly organized and unionized working class.

submitted by /u/Intelligent-End7336
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