Something that I don’t understand about socialists

Socialists like to complain about “shareholder capitalism”, how businesses only care about pleasing shareholders and disregard workers and the rest of society, maximizing their profits, etc.

But what is stopping them from becoming shareholders themselves? They could easily buy stocks from big companies if they want to take a piece of the pie themselves. All it takes is a broker app on your smartphone and a bank account. If they don’t want to take risks they can invest in index funds / ETFs. You don’t have to be some old rich guy to be a shareholder, everyone can become one. If you are a shareholder, you together with others can also influence the company’s course if you care about sustainability for example.

But no, they won’t do that. Instead they will demonize shareholders and constantly call for taxing them. Here in Europe they also oppose pension systems where people earn their retirement through investing in the stock market as part of pension funds. They’re ideologues and hypocrites.

submitted by /u/technocraticnihilist
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