For me, it all comes down to a core inflationary or deflationary currency. Nothing else is as important as this.
I’m not sure why this isn’t the main focus of the dialogue in society at large, and why this isnt talked about nearly enough. Housing crises, cost of living crises, immigration as a means to fuel Keynesian consumerism: all of these issues stem from an inflationary standard.
Owning homes as a commercial asset would be seen as a much greater risk if property was out performed by currency. The industry would be more specialised and less congested with lobbyists and billionaire conglomerates stealing homes from families.
Perishable goods wouldn’t become more expensive over time. This makes me especially baffled. How could PERISHABLE GOODS increase in value over time. This is so fundamentally wrong.
Immigration becomes more culturally meaningful and would scrutinised more healthily, instead of being a bureaucratic tool to inform politics, increase demand in consumerist markets and raise property prices.
Am I missing something? So many people are complaining and not having the correct conversations. It’s all so confusing to me. How are people so ignorant as to not see the issue staring at them in the face?
submitted by /u/Low_Worldliness6974
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