Tribalism and collectivism are the enemies to progress.

Who’s responsible for the survival of the adult individual?

The individual.

Who is responsible for their education, their well-being, the society they live in. Still the individual.

It is not the cop, nor the teacher, nor the doctors responsibility, it is always on you ensure these things. It’s not the job of experts to choose for you or think for you, that is your duty and no one elses.

Any attempt to ostracize the individual instead of convince the individual is a sign of deficiency that should not be promoted.

Trying to apply labels, or to infer a negative association, so that a tribe knows to attack or restrain an individual is a sign of group esteem and not individual esteem. It is ultimate weakness and regression and it is typical of the average person on social media.

submitted by /u/Metrolinkvania
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