Another Stopgap Funding Bill, Another Budget Failure

Cato Institute Director of Budget and Entitlement Policy Romina Boccia is available for interviews in light of Congress attempting to avert a government shutdown at the end of this week.



In a new piece co-authored with Research Associate Dominik Lett, Boccia takes a look at the continuing resolution (CR) released by the House Republicans on March 8.

Boccia and Lett write:

“By and large, the latest CR is more of the same, a feature of Washington’s budget dysfunction and the never-ending punting of deadlines. Rather than face the tough discussions of reducing and capping discretionary spending at pre-pandemic levels, Congress is eyeing another CR that locks in post-pandemic bloat. Credit to appropriators for cutting earmarks, but addressing this pork barrel spending is a mere drop in the bucket.

Ultimately, kicking the can down the road will only worsen the nation’s fiscal outlook. Breaking this cycle is long overdue, but with yet another CR, Congress remains unwilling to enact fiscal discipline.”

You can read the full piece here. If you would like to speak with Boccia on this issue, please contact me to set up an interview.

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O: (202) 216‑1410

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