Sheriff/investigators fabricated and altered evidenced in my husband’s case and the state illegally convicted him and I have all the proof, but nobody will let me post about it, they always delete my posts.

When I do post, nobody bothers reading the whole thing. I know it is long, but it is crucial to read everything I write or they ask a question that is answered in the post already… but when my posts get attention the moderator in the group deletes my post (this happens everywhere on Reddit for me), my posts follow the rules too. I can’t find any groups anywhere on Facebook or Reddit or anywhere else that will allow me to advocate for him. If those cops and investigators didn’t alter the video and use it at trial and also put blood on his knife and use the photos at trial and if they didn’t coorce witnesses to lie on stand, he might’ve had a better outcome. His story is very sad and very illegal.

submitted by /u/SkyyeMooreArt
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