USDA cancels $1B in local food purchasing for schools, food banks

Imagine you are king of a small country. You have a love of your people and want the best for them. Despite this there are still plenty of ungrateful republicans always happy to bash the royalty.

One day you are opening a new ward at a state run hospital and you talk to a nurse. It turns out she is so badly paid that she has to use a food bank occasionally. She is working full time and pays income tax yet she is so poor she finds herself in this position

You examine the budget and there is some slack in the royal budget that can be created by eating fewer peacocks at royal banquets and more chicken. Since you prefer chicken anyway you free some cash and still balance the budget.

What do you do with the freed revenue?

1) Donate the money to the foodbank and hold a celebration. Great for royal softpower.

2) Reduce the income tax on those unable to afford basic provisions. Pay for newspaper articles to call you the champion of the working man!

submitted by /u/BioRobotTch
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