Emergency Services do not work in ancap society

I am sorry that its so long english isnt my fjrst language and sadly I was always taught how to use more words than to express myself clearly and shortly.

Imagine you see a burning house with nobody inside, who you gonna call? Firefighters but which ones you live in a free market there are 30 different firefighter companies. And you have no way to know which ones are the house owners subscribed to.

If i see woman being raped who do i call my protection service her protection service the rapists protection service group. Any of the other protection services in the area where do I even get their contacts do I have to wear a laminated sheet of paper with every possible contact to every possible service?

You see a man laying unconscious on sidewalk, no id, no way to know which private ambulance he has, if he even has one who do I call? Ghostbusters??? There is no way for anyone to know who should they call. Its also a system that punishes trying to help someone as you are basically committing aggression while trying to help. If an ambulance or even me takes an unconscious men into hospital i broke his bodily autonomy i will get sued and lose money i will get punished for helping someone and that aplies to every single entity that would try to help someone that cannot give clear signs. And this is not something that would occur sporadically, its something happening a hundred times every single day.

I was sued by person i had helped, and the only reason i had gotten out without any consequences was thanks to the local equivalent of the good samaritan law. Basically i had found an unconscious man did all of the formalities cslled an ambulance started pcr, and continued until the ambulance arrived the personnel told me that i am doing a good job and to do u til they tell me to stop. Sadly i am 120 kg 190 cm tall, and i cracked his ribs caused him harm, and he did try to sue me. Had i lived in ancap I would probably think thrice before deciding whether to help him. This was more of a from the top of my head head no structure so i rewrote it into structure but I’lleave it above.

fundamental flaws of emergency services in an ancap system—when everything is privatized, the lack of universal access, coordination, and legal protection makes it harder (or even dangerous) to help others.

Key Problems in Ancap Emergency Response: Fire Response Paralysis

You see a burning house but have no idea which company is contracted.

Even if you call one, they might refuse to act without upfront payment.

Potentially, rival companies could even compete instead of cooperate.

Private Security Chaos

In a crime situation (like a rape), who do you call? Do you call your own protection agency? The victim’s? The attacker’s? Do these security firms have any obligation to respond? Instead of justice, you might get a corporate gang war between security firms. Medical Emergencies and Liability Risks

With no public EMS, you have to guess which private ambulance (if any) the person is covered by. If they have no coverage, hospitals or ambulances could refuse service. Legal risk for helping: Without Good Samaritan laws, helping could mean getting sued for bodily harm or unauthorized transport. Result? People hesitate to help, and more people die. My, while admit anecdotal evidence, Personal Experience Validates This Issue I actually saved someone’s life, and they still tried to sue me over a normal side effect of CPR. The only reason I wasnt ruined financially was because of Good Samaritan protections. In an ancap world, me and the ambulance crew would have been punished for helping—so why even try?

Why Universal Emergency Services Matter Even if you believe in free markets, emergencies require immediate, coordinated responses, and:

Victims don’t always have time to negotiate payment. Bystanders shouldn’t have to research which service to call. Rescuers shouldn’t fear lawsuits for simply trying to help. Most of the times the first moments are crucial in first help, fires, crimes

Some things—like fire, crime, and medical emergencies—just don’t fit neatly into a fully privatized, profit-driven model.

Sometimes people forget that the reason why emergency services, i am not based in USA so i cant really comment on your services but where i live they are really dependeble, are so good is that they are closely working together and they have the power to “demand” stuff from citizens, i dont know how to express what i mean by demand but like where i live you are obliged to make the emergency corridor in a traffic jam, and if you dont you get punished for obstructing the service.

In contrast, a privatized or fragmented system wouldn’t have this authority. Different companies might have conflicting protocols, and without enforcement, people would be less likely to comply, making the system slower and less reliable.

Tldr. Ancap emergency services would be chaotic and inefficient—with no clear contacts, delays in response, and fear of lawsuits discouraging bystanders from helping. The crucial first minutes in fires, crimes, and medical emergencies would be wasted on figuring out who to call or securing payment, leading to more harm, slower response times, and an overall less effective system.

submitted by /u/PokeDoll04
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