All statists are religious and believe in the same god

medium-sized rant

Tldr: Nazis, communists, socialists, democrats, republicans, monarchists, leftist anarchists etc… are all siblings competing for the same authoritarian power to impose their will on others.

Collectivist monkeys, gregarious animals who don’t have a will of their own and therefore deny it in others…

You don’t even understand that it’s in YOUR own best interest to respect the dignity of their brothers and sisters. That you don’t want to be free is a strange kink, but to refuse it for others makes YOU evil.

I remember how i used to think: “if only I had this power in MY hands… I would force this group to do that, deport this group, fund this group… The world would be so much more fair and good”.

Which group should I rob so that all could prosper? Who should I kill in the name of justice? Who should I jail for speaking against “the greater good”?

I see now the sick nature of these fantasies and how really it was a desire to bully everyone into doing what I personally wanted.

I was angry that the world is the way it is and emotions were driving my beliefs. I was also a coward who wanted to take by force what he could not achieve for himself.

Funny thing though is I have never voted in my life because I became ancap at 18 before I even had the chance 😆)

You can’t see it but you are sick in the head. I’ll say I was anyway.

You probably think pedophiles or serial killers are evil but I think the evil YOU condone is far, far greater in scale.

One day this will be commonly accepted as fact, I am sure of it. Until then, keep calling those who want your freedom “nazis” or “capitalist pigs” just like you were taught to do. The world isn’t getting better but at least you get to feel like a good person while feeding the machine that has been crushing people’s rights since the dawn of time.

submitted by /u/Moist-Dirt-7074
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