An extremely well acted propaganda piece

I posted this in relation to the series adolescence on Netflix to the r/AdolescenceNetflix page and it didn’t get to see the light of day, has anyone else here seen it? Don’t bother, it’s good until they rug pull you at episode 3/4.

I was absolutely captivated by this series last night I watched most of it in one sitting, in found it difficult to watch but yet I was so glued to the screen. It’s about as horrific a family moment as I would ever dare to imagine, acted out perfectly. Yet it has fallen short due to the biases of the writers, Is it just me? Or can art just be art without the need to propagandize or fear porn an imaginary threat that is no more close to reality than war of the worlds? At about ep 3 I started to notice the writers not so subtle attempt to blame mass murder on silly teenagers who watch Andrew Tate, as they are the harbringers or doom to the western world because they have been ‘black pilled’, and that there is a coalition of these loveless teenagers such that they genuinely hate women and that they mean to harm or even kill them. This is utter fantasy with real life consequences and writers who propagandize this sort of shit should be sacked and prosecuted for subversion of the youth if that’s a crime. Here in the UK we are genuinely dealing with rulers who seem to have malevolent intent towards it’s people and adding more and more divides and attacking young lads for wanting to be masculine is beyond disgusting and it will have lasting effects for everyone. This movie has taken a fictitious story, weaponsized it, and pointed it straight at young white men. God help this country.

Btw I fuckin hate Andrew Tate he is scum.

submitted by /u/Horror-Landscape8592
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