A Wild Encounter with Police

I don’t know if this is allowed here, but my fiancée and I just had a wild encounter with police about an hour and a half ago.

We were both out Instacarting when she got pulled over. The reason she got pulled was over her tail light that was out—no big deal, easy fix, right? So the cop comes up, asks for her license and registration, and starts in on the small talk: ‘So, do you guys have any plans for the weekend?’ We both just said no, we didn’t have any plans.

He heads back to his car, and then a second cop pulls up. The new guy comes over to us and wants to know why we’re even in this town (I won’t say which town here.).

We explained it plain and simple: we’re out here Instacarting, just finished dropping off groceries in (next town over which is 2 miles away), but the app had glitched. It had the right address in (Town 1), but it was pulling up a random pinpoint in (Town 2) where we had to ‘check-in’ to mark the delivery complete. We even showed him the app, pointing out the address and the glitch so he could see it with his own eyes.

He goes back to the first cop, and a few minutes later, they both come back acting like we’re lying through our teeth. They’re saying, ‘Well, you told my partner you had no plans for the weekend, and now you’re saying you’re here for Instacart?’ Like, are they serious? When someone asks you if you have weekend plans, most people think of things like going to the movies, going to the beach, maybe having family over for a barbecue. Plans. You don’t exactly throw in, ‘Oh, yeah, we might also do a little side gig.’ Instacarting is just a quick way to pick up extra cash; it’s not like we planned a whole weekend around it!

They’re still not buying it, so then they ask my fiancée to step out of the car to talk to the second cop. The first cop comes back around to my window and starts asking for my ID, saying, ‘This is purely consensual, you can refuse if you want.’ I didn’t have anything to hide, so I handed it over. Then he starts asking me how long I’ve known her, like this was some kind of ‘gotcha’ interrogation tactic. I start explaining, and in the middle of it, he suddenly says, ‘I’ve got another call to get to,’ hands everything back, and just like that, they let us go.

Honestly, I don’t know if they just couldn’t wrap their minds around a simple app glitch or if they were dead set on thinking we were up to something shady. Either way, it was absolutely nuts that even after showing them actual proof, they were still acting like we had some elaborate story. Just wild.

submitted by /u/VlCxRATTLEHEAD
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