AE’s opinion on distributism?

According to distributism, ownership of the means of production should be as widespread as possible throughout the population, rather than centralized under the control of a few bureaucrats (in state socialism) or a few wealthy individuals (in capitalism). This idea is condensed in a quote from Chesterton: “Too much capitalism does not mean too many capitalists, but not enough.”

Distributism is distinguished by the distribution of property (not to be confused with the redistribution of wealth). It maintains that, since state socialism does not allow individuals to own the means of production (monopolized by the state, the community or workers’ collectives), and since capitalism only allows a few to own them, distributism seeks to ensure that most people will be able to become owners of productive goods. As Hilaire Belloc puts it, the implementation of distributism leads to “an agglomeration of families of diverse wealth, but by far the greatest number of owners of the means of production”. This broad distribution does not extend to all property, but only to production goods; that is, property that is used to produce wealth, everything that man requires to survive. This includes land, tools, etc.

submitted by /u/FeathersOfTheArrow
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