Aren’t the Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions in response to COVID every bit as unjustified as theocracy is?

I think we can all agree that theocracy is wrong. To accept theocracy as means of good governance, you need to make endless unjustified assumptions:

  1. God exists. (Many problems with that, both a-priori and a-posteriori. A-priori, omnipotence creates the Omnipotence Paradox, and moral perfection creates the Euthyphro dilemma. A-posteriori, omnipotence and moral perfection of God together create the Problem of Evil.)

  2. God communicates with people. (Seems like a rather weird assumption considering that we are merely a product of evolution, right?)

  3. God is trustworthy. (The plausibility of that assumption depends on how you resolve the Problem of Evil.)

  4. The contact between the God and the person who wrote the scripture did occur. (If the communication between God and humans does happen, it is obviously a rare event, so assuming that it did happen is a pretty extraordinary claim.)

  5. The person who wrote the God’s word wrote it down correctly.

  6. The God’s word is correctly transmitted to us over the generations.

Taken together, the idea of theocracy seems ridiculous, right? It seems obvious that what a theocratic government is actually doing is taking political ideas from people who knew about the world less than a fifth-grader today knows.

Now, let’s compare that to the COVID tyranny. To accept the COVID tyranny, you need to accept that:

  1. Viruses exist. (Sure, there are people claiming to be able to see viruses using microscopes. But let’s keep in mind there are also people claiming to see daemons.)

  2. Viruses cause diseases. (Maybe viruses are a symptom of a disease, rather than the cause of it. Maybe the Terrain Theory is correct and there are microzymas that turn into viruses when the terrain is bad.)

  3. COVID is caused by a virus. (Even if we take for granted some diseases, such as the Spanish Flu, are caused by viruses, it hardly follows that COVID is. Spanish Flu appeared to kill people with a good terrain, COVID doesn’t appear to do that. COVID almost exclusively kills people who are too old to work. Hardly evidence that it’s caused by a virus.)

  4. Closing the non-essential businesses makes an average 21st-century man stay home. (This may have seemed plausible back in the late 2019, but now that we know that 2020 had more deaths from car accidents than 2019… That doesn’t seem very plausible, does it?)

  5. COVID is bad for the economy. (This seems like a weird assertion once you think about it, doesn’t it? I can see how the Spanish Flu might harm the econony, giving that it was killing many productive people. But COVID almost exclusively kills those who are too old to work. Shouldn’t COVID therefore be good for the economy?)

  6. The harm that lockdowns are doing to the economy are smaller than the harm that COVID is doing to the economy.

So, the belief in the NPIs is about as unjustified as the belief in theocracy, isn’t it?

submitted by /u/FlatAssembler
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