Ben & Jerry’s Organizes Trump Inauguration Riot

Writes Gail Appel:

How many attendees ( and non-attendees)of the J-6 rally have been arrested, harassed, imprisoned without a hearing or legal representation ? For committing the “ Worst act of terrorism on American soil since Pearl Harbor, 9/11 and my favorite, the “Holocaust”, which has been repeated time and again by Marxist Dems and the MSM morons .

Meanwhile, Ben and Jerry’s has been involved in organizing and funding the 2016 inaugural insanity, BLM riots, Antifa, Me Too, the Kavanaugh hearing and post Roe mobs and the Marxist/Jihadist “ Kill The Jews”/“Burn America To The Ground”, “ America Is A White Christian Racist Fascist Patriarchy”/Queers and Fatties for Hamas violent, vandalism mobs.

They are advertising a planned riot in DC during Trump’s inauguration. Where the hell are the FBI, DOJ, DC Mayor, MSM , Capitol Police , Biden , Killery , Raskin and Adam Schiff? Exactly.

See here.


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