Black rock and large scale real estate holdings are not a result of the free market

I often see folks come at this issue in the statist tradition of wanting bandaids (more property tax) for a problem that the state created in the first place. Their premise seems to be some form of capitalism=evil thus evil company being greedy with land is capitalism. It’s thanks to the education in this country that I almost never hear anyone talk about why Blackrock has the advantage over anyone else to begin with which isn’t accounted for in the simplistic company=evil explanation. My read of the situation from an Austrian perspective is that it is low interests rates and near unlimited access to lines of credit offered to special clients like blackrock that comes from the state control of central banking that allowed this in the first place. Why do folks talk so much of bandaids, but not want to think about the system itself, namely the role of how credit is extended in the first place?

submitted by /u/Puzzled-Letterhead-1
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