Visão libertária
Like to be above the law, and the more complaints you get the faster you can become a sgt apply Within ( Charlotte NC) #ytshorts
submitted by /u/Upstairs-Shirt9069 [link] [comments]
Os anjos são reais e não apenas seres celestiais…. Islene souza
Os anjos são reais e não apenas seres celestiais. Nos momentos de aflição, oramos e Deus envia seus anjos para nos socorrer e quem são esses anjos? São pessoas comuns que chegam com uma palavra de conforto, é um texto que alguém escreveu e te comove é um bichinho de estimação que te dá o carinho que precisa, um amigo que te escuta. Basta olhar ao seu redor, há vários anjos caminhando na terra e fazendo a diferença […]
Why Subsidizing Energy Efficency Is a Bad Idea
Many state utility regulators, policymakers, utilities, and others construct an orthodox and politically palatable argument that market failure justifies utility energy efficiency (EE) programs and that the vast majority of those programs would pass a cost-benefit test. (Incidentally, the alleged major culprits of market failure are energy consumers incapable of making the correct calculations from a societal perspective, or making decisions contrary to their self-interest. That so-called “EE gap” provides the raison d’etre for both government and utility […]
TGIF: “You Didn’t Build That”
Remember Barack Obama’s profound 2012 campaign speech about success? Here’s part of what he said: There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me — because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t — look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a […]
Xi Jinping diz que relação Brasil-China está no ‘melhor momento da história’
O ditador da China, Xi Jinping, afirmou em sua visita em Brasília que a relação entre o país asiático e o Brasil está no seu “melhor momento da história”. Ele chegou à capital da República nesta terça-feira, 19, para reuniões bilaterais e assinatura de 37 acordos de comércio entre as nações. Em discurso depois das assinaturas dos acordos nesta quarta-feira, 20, Xi Jinping disse que ao retornar ao Brasil depois de cinco anos — veio pela última vez […]
Question about money concentration
what happens if a family starts to own a lot of wealth? they can essentially manipulate the market and extract ownership from poorer people. like a monopoly. then we end up like an oligarchy type of society, the only solution i see is revolution and AE fails edit; the current replies just give straw man of the other side, can we keep it on topic submitted by /u/suddenimpaxt67 [link] [comments]
Denver Police officer who hit handcuffed juvenile found guilty
submitted by /u/m4moz [link] [comments]