Cato Expert Available to Discuss Fed Accountability

Cato Institute Vice President and Director of the Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives Norbert Michel is available to discuss Federal Reserve accountability to Congress.



Last week, Michel testified before the House Financial Services Committee that Congress should take several steps to reform the nation’s monetary policy, such as requiring the Federal Reserve to implement a simple rule for its interest rate target and requiring the Federal Reserve to shrink its balance sheet. These improvements in monetary policy would benefit American workers, retirees, and savers.

You can watch Michel’s testimony at the hearing here and read his full testimony here.

Michel and Research Fellow Jai Kedia wrote an analysis evaluating Fed policy rate feedback rules, which you can read here.

If you would like to speak with Michel or Kedia, please contact me to set up an interview.

Best regards,

Manager of Media Relations
O: (202) 216‑1410

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