Do you think voters should have incentives to vote for more capitalism?

And if so, should the incentive be equal and be linked to prosperity instead of need?

A bit like UBI for example. One men one vote, one man one share, equal share of dividend.

The reason I ask is currently social democracy reward poverty and incompetence.

A lot of money reward single mothers, sick people, and financial parasites that choose women studies as major.

So turning all redistribution of wealth into straightforward tax credit or dividend would seem to make sense.

Of course, income taxes should go away too. Why punish economic productivity?

So I think georgism has a point. The more well governed a region, the higher land value. So it makes sense to tax land and then redistribute some profit. That’s pretty clear incentive to vote for whatever make tax payers happy and attract them to the land.

The only problem I have with georgism is it also attract people that did nothing to contribute to come and vote and get UBI.

But that’s a separate problems. Perhaps people got to pay to live in certain Georgist cities to keep outsiders out?

submitted by /u/Few_Needleworker8744
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