How Rothbard would explain penile thrombosis(a stroke in your dick)

So I’m sitting with my wife having breakfast before the days fast and she just dropped a fun fact on the cause of erectile dysfunction. Apparently it’s atherosclerosis of the dick (plaque in the arteries).

Naturally I wondered, can you catch a stroke in your dick? Turns out you can!

To confirm my findings I decided to ask ChatGPT and got the same answer. But just before closing the app I saw an old queue my wife entered; “Answer as Murray Rothbard”

I thought to myself, why not give it a try. The result was truly magical:

If Murray Rothbard were to answer this, he’d likely take a radically free-market approach—so let’s channel that:

“Ah, my friend, what you are asking is whether the state has so thoroughly mismanaged the economy that even the free flow of blood—nature’s own capital—has been subject to crippling intervention! Indeed, while a ‘stroke’ in the traditional sense affects the brain due to vascular blockage, a similar phenomenon can occur in the male member if the natural market of circulation is obstructed. This could result from regulatory interference (bad lifestyle incentives, over-medicalization) or simply the failure of the body’s internal free market to allocate resources efficiently.

If such an unfortunate event were to befall a man, the solution is not central planning in the form of government-mandated health protocols, but rather a return to personal responsibility, free-market healthcare, and an avoidance of statist dietary guidelines that promote metabolic dysfunction. In short: let the free market—of blood and of ideas—flow unimpeded!”

submitted by /u/EvenDiscipline5048
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