I can’t take libertarianism seriously because it glazes the market the same way liberals glaze democracy.

“Oh a bad corporation too big to fail is polluting the lake? Don’t buy from them, they don’t have stocks to supply themselves until people stop caring.”

“Oh government is bad? Vote them out! Specifically vote for our 2-5 Overton politicians who will bounce around Overton opinions of mild to severe statism and be paid millions in your tax money even if they don’t keep their promises. And if you don’t vote you not only deserve it but are the enemy for tacitly supporting my enemy”.

The only good system would be distributism since that actually decreases concentration and centralization and puts it into the hands of individuals instead of corporations, states, or class, but too many of you just want to sit back and circlejerk about Joe Biden and inflation that you have no method of breaking down the monopolies or privatizing subsidized companies, instead relying on the handwave of “the market will sort it out”.

submitted by /u/KyletheAngryAncap
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