I’m starting an apartment maintenance company to compete with the federal housing authority, because they think they can charge an extortion amount for repairs.

Robert Deniro played a rogue plumber in the dystopian movie Brazil, bypassing the bureaucracy and actually fixing your problem for a good price.

Now is the time to do that. The government is hurting for money and it’s crunching down on the people in housing.

Plumbers in particular are swimming in bids and bitches, it’s exactly like the episode of Southpark where the handymen become God’s in the modern times.

Screw college, work a trade, then build a business off it. Make stupid money out the gate, then become a lawyer or doctor later.

Build the contracts, get the business valued at what you want, and cash in for the next venture.

A 28 year old in law school is going to do 2000 times better than an 18 year old. Less debt, more money, developed brain, more self possessed.

The money is going to be flowing like crazy in this economy, because there are voids that will never be adequately filled in the trade markets and that void is only getting wider with the low child birth rate and the rise in all cause death.

You’re not going to have your hands under that waterfall, if you’re doting around in government jobs or in college for 3-7 years.

Seven years time from now is wild to think about, as there are no certainties to rely on.

submitted by /u/UnsaneInTheMembrane
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