Just finished End the Fed… are we screwed?

I’m 19 years old. Ive been pro-freedom for some time now but am only recently getting into the money side of things, beyond “taxation is theft” and the sort. I recently finished End the Fed by Ron Paul. It struck me with how optimistic he was in the closing. I was way too little at the time but apparently there was quite the movement for the government to fix its act around the 2008 crisis, but this ended with the failure of Ron Paul’s 2012 presidential run. Since then things have only gotten worse. The US national debt has dramatically skyrocketed, our money is worth less and less due to rampant inflation, we are pushing tariffs as a solution which to my understanding don’t work, the budget deficit keeps getting larger, and the world is itching towards war (which, as Dr. Paul points out, is an excellent distraction from economic problems for the masses). Is there any way out of this? I have a hard time having hope for the future, and am curious if anyone has any perspectives I might not have considered.

submitted by /u/JumboPancake
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