Less than 1% of rapes result in felony convictions

your tax dollars are at work making your community less safe. Sure there are good cops, and not every department is up to no good. However, a national average like that above is beyond unacceptable. This statistic and documented evidence for decades indicate that local law enforcements are applying more resources toward low level offenses, backup/support/coverup for vanity projects, surveilling innocent civilians, standing in grocery stores, federally funded intelligence operations, militarization with the public as the enemy, and robbing/extorting citizens then blaming them to add insult to injury.

How do we fix it? Accountability. Pay attention to the activities of law enforcement. Record them. Think critically; does reducing traffic to one lane during rush hour because one dude was going 48 in a 45, make anyone safer? Are we safer with more rapists running around because officers are too busy sending 4 squad cars to interrogate someone they thought he might steal a catalytic converter because his drone crashed under a parked car?

submitted by /u/DisillusionedDame
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