Liberty Conspiracy – 2-1-12 The FDA Claims “Regulatory” Power over Your Cells, the Market for Body Parts, Private Property Rights

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In this program, Gardner Goldsmith reconstructs (with better music fidelity than available on radio), his Liberty Conspiracy radio program from 1-31-12. In the show, he discussed the revelation that the FDA claims “regulatory” power over the sale of human cells. Shocking? Well, maybe not. It already prohibits the sale of human body parts… This is not only unconstitutional, it’s immoral and runs contrary to the principle of self-ownership. Listen as we explore it… Then, check out our conversation about the term “regulate”, and how it’s not appropriate when it is used to describe government coercion of private industry and individual actions. And then you can hear some thoughts about the term “property”, and how people arrived at the concept of “private property.”

Hope you like! Spread the word! Be Seeing You!
