Liberty Conspiracy – 9-6-12 A Prominent Leftist Speaks Out Against Current Prez, with Guest Joy Sandoz

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In this production, we look at a piece recently written by actor John Cusack. Mr. Cusack is well known as a leftist Democrat. But in this recent piece, he explains to readers that he can no longer trade the destruction of civil liberties and the murders of innocent people for what he thinks are beneficial social programs in the US. Libertarians Gardner Goldsmith and Joy Sandoz delve into this, and why it is so refreshing and important.

That and a visit from Soph, listening in the UK, and music! Yep! Listen for: Government Issue “Jaded Eyes”, The Bell Rays “Blues for Godzilla”, Broadcast “Come On, Let’s Go!”, Raphael Saddiq “Over You”, MOTORHEAD “The Ace of Spades”, Throw Rag “Swingset Superman”, The Sex Pistols (live) “Holidays in the Sun” (note the similarity in the opening of “Holidays” and “Swingset”) and The DEMONS “I’ll Make You Sorry”! Great stuff! Thanks for your support! Remember, donations are very important to help us spread the word about liberty and free markets! You can donate at our website!

Be Seeing You!
