So far, freer nations haven’t ended deprivations of life.
For now, Republican president Abraham Lincoln gets lauded for ending deprivations of blacks’ liberty, even though he provoked and escalated war, which caused deprivations of life, of free men’s liberty, and of property.
Meanwhile, many founders, and, later, Democratic presidents, were otherwise outstanding at protecting life, free men’s liberty, and property, but they now have their legacies fall under the shadow of their failures to take the actions they could have taken to try to end deprivations of blacks’ liberty.
Like liberty is better protected now, life will get better protected in the future. And like with liberty now, politicians’ widespread failures to take the actions they could take on life will look unconscionable and shameful.
Apart from during wars, liberty was deprived solely through slavery. In contrast, life is being deprived through health tyranny, abortion and IVF killing, and war.
Each can be remedied now.
Health Tyranny
mRNA covid therapies by design have made people’s bodies produce toxins, depriving many persons of life. These deprivations continue now. All mRNA therapies developed so far have had the same unsafe design approach, so as of now even more deprivations are coming.
If people had liberty to use proven-safe existing antivirals, antioxidants, steroids, and antibiotics, this would have prevented nearly all deprivations of life due to the gain-of-function SARS-CoV-2 virus, lockdowns, and mRNA therapies.
Emergency declarations other than suspension of habeas corpus aren’t allowed by the Constitution. Following the Constitution’s rules would have prevented all deprivations of life due to lockdowns.
Protecting the right of trial by jury in suits at common law would have prevented every deprivation of life due to mRNA therapies, apart from possibly a few deaths in safety trials.
Revoke all authorizations to use therapeutics that have mRNA as an active ingredient. Enact rules and sanctions prohibiting the use of mRNA therapeutics.
Repeal national-government control over prescribing. Enact rules and sanctions prohibiting government control over prescribing and dispensing in all jurisdictions.
Repeal national-government emergency powers. Enact rules and sanctions prohibiting maintaining emergency powers, and using them, in all jurisdictions.
Repeal all product-liability exemptions.
Abortion, and In-Vitro-Fertilization Killing
On abortion and IVF killing, the wrong national-government action would deprive vastly more persons of life, likely for many more decades. The right action is to fully support the Constitution’s protection of life, by only enacting measures that, with no exceptions, prevent deprivations of life starting at fertilization.
On IVF killing, natural reproduction respects life. Keep treating it as legal for IVF producers to deprive persons of life, the way things are now, and IVF producers won’t up and change on their own anytime soon. But raise up a clear legal boundary, and IVF producers will change their practices to not deprive persons of life, and from there will innovate to make their pricing attractive.
Enact a national statute establishing that life begins at fertilization, and that all jurisdictions’ statutes on killing apply starting at fertilization.
Major wars have not been initiated when freer people have substantially outproduced the less-free people under enemy governments. If we severely limit our governments to leave our people maximally free to outproduce less-free potential enemies, common sense suggests that potential enemies’ government people will prefer to stay alive. The available evidence also supports that they will. If it’s true that they will, then increasing our freedom will be the primary change that ultimately prevents major wars. So to prevent wars and limit any deprivations due to wars, economic power is primary.
Other actions seemingly more-directly tied to wars are secondary but are needed too.
Stop enforcing and formally repeal all national-government regulations. Outlaw and enforce against all regulations in other jurisdictions.
Repeal all infringements of the right to keep and bear arms. Enact a statute formally outlawing such infringements, and enforce this in all government jurisdictions and in all other organizations.
End all involvement in war without congress-passed rules-of-engagement cards and a congress-passed war declaration. Enact rules-of-engagement cards. If ever declaring war and fighting war, make the sole purpose be to destroy the enemies’ governments.
End all procurement of current-generation production weapons. Research and test weapons in secret, in rapid design cycles as if we were currently threatened by existential war.
Stop enforcing and formally repeal all treaties. Close and repeal all foreign bases and embassies.
Enact and enforce rules prohibiting each of China government people’s unconventional-warfare actions that is currently recognized. Give these rules force with one sanction: whenever any of these rules is being broken, all trade with China people shall be prohibited. Each time an additional warfare action is recognized, enact and enforce an additional rule that prohibits the additional action.
Repeal all existing legislative-house rules, eliminating the current committees. Ratify legislative-house constitutions modeled on the Constitution. In them, replace states with working groups, at most one per Constitution clause. Add a rule that each existing statute and new bill is constitutional only if it passes all of the following simple pass/fail tests: (1) no misleading parts; (2) only uses powers enumerated for the national government; (3) no delegation of legislative power; (4) no grabs of executive power; (5) no grabs of judicial power; and (6) not noncritical, complex, or long, and not helping make the total corpus of law incomprehensibly complex or long. With the new senate constitution, like with the Constitution, filibuster cloture would violate the constitution.
Repeal all statutes that interfere with customers’ control of health-product producers. Outlaw any such interference, and enforce this in all government jurisdictions.
Repeal all statutes that require employers or individuals to pay in towards individuals’ entitlements. Amend statutes to promise the lifetime benefits that correspond to the lifetime payments that were made up to the amendment date. Enact a statute formally authorizing the sale of government assets and providing model terms of sale.
Repeal existing statutes on patents and copyrights. Enact a new statute giving new rules for disclosures and durations: Grant patents only if the grantees provide open access to all business data on the monopoly-protected products, and only as long as the grantees maintain open access to all business data as business data continue to develop. Establish limited patent and copyright durations of 3 years.
Enact and enforce rules requiring that each state government must provide state residents a constitution that enumerates limited powers, vests all the legislative power in the legislature, defines separated and offsetting powers, and requires oaths like in the Constitution, which require officials to use their offsetting powers.
Executives are called on to take decisive actions. They naturally lead. They naturally emphasize some main areas and propose measures that could be a good start.
Legislators represent different groups of people and have different skills and experiences. They naturally work in groups. They can flesh out fuller ranges of innovative ideas, and develop rules and sanctions that can provide multiple independent protections.
Executives should use their powers the best they can, and legislators should go them one better. In the end, of the various areas they can focus on, all others are trumped by life.