Mental Illness Appears “Contagious.”

Unfortunately, this couldn’t be posted in Libertarianism or whatever that is called. I have to retype it all because I did something incorrectly. Anyway, I have been observing more and more people on YouTube and X who have been acting increasingly bizarre. A thought occurred to me, so I did the slightest amount of searching. Mental illness is NOT contagious in that it isn’t spread by germs and such which we should know, but there are multiple studies that seem to have e found that mental illness traits are made worse or to exist at all among people who interact with deeply mentally ill people, meaning that as odd as it is, I didn’t imagine or notice something that doesn’t exist. Most of the people who are rebelling or protesting things appear to completely misunderstand economics at the very least. Maybe more, but I don’t remember. I don’t know if there is a name for it, but I think I am prejudice about people who strike me as less intelligent than normal. Additionally, maybe this isn’t the place to post this, but I was raised by a woman and I was very in favor of women. I have since learned much more about my mom and life in general and I think that I may be classified as sexist. Don’t really know. Regardless, maybe this isn’t the place for this post, but let’s discuss if anyone wants!

submitted by /u/DEL-J
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