PSA: Tax cuts don’t “cost money” nor is it “giving back” to the people, its stopping the theft you’re commiting on the people.

If you stole 40% of the food from somebody’s fridge, and then announced your intention to only steal 30% of their food in the future, do you consider that to be giving back to them? Or did you just stop stealing as much?

Merely the act of stopping your theft does not “cost” you money and if you announce your going to steal less you haven’t gave them anything! You’ve just allowed them to own more of what they obtained themselves.

I’m only saying this because of the recent AOC video in which she seems to believe that tax cuts somehow cost money. I just want to point out how absurd it is that we’ve allowed the conversation to get to this point. It’s a deliberate effort to make people believe that tax dollars do not belong to the people who earned them, but rather the people who take them and distribute them. The people who receive these tax dollars now believe that they are somehow entitled to them and it’s theft for them if THEY stop stealing from somebody else. Absolute insanity.

submitted by /u/Click_My_Username
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