Quotation of the Day…

… is from page 411 of the 2016 second edition of Thomas Sowell’s excellent volume Wealth, Poverty and Politics (original emphases):

[E]ven if every American man, woman and child had equal individual incomes, that would still leave substantial inequalities in household incomes, because households that are in the top 20 percent of income recipients today contain millions more people than households in the bottom 20 percent. These larger households would remain in higher income brackets if incomes were made equal among all individuals. If we restrict income inequality to adult, there would be even more inequality between households, since households consisting of a single mother with multiple children would not have nearly as much income – either total income or income per person – as households consisting of two parents and two children, even if welfare paid the single mother as much as other adults received from working.

DBx: Yes. And it follows that if government or god somehow managed to bring about equality of incomes among households, rather than among individuals, inequality of individual income might rise if the differences between the numbers of persons in different households are sufficiently large.

Most professors, pundits, preachers, and politicians who pound their fists self-righteously in opposition to “inequality” never pause to think about inescapable realities such as these. And these. Emoting and displaying one’s imagined moral superiority are oh so much easier and enjoyable than thinking.

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