r/Austrian_Economics needs new mods, apply below

Hello, due to increased levels of traffic r/Austrian_Economics is looking to add some new moderators. If you’re interested, comment below about why you’re interested and how you’d like to improve the subreddit. You could also send a message to our modmail. Here are some further questions to fill out to maximize your chances of getting selected.

  1. Describe your political and economics beliefs in a few sentences. Are you a libertarian, if so what kind, ancap, minarchist, something else? Or maybe you’re more on the centrist or left side of the spectrum, are you a neoliberal, socialist, a mutualist, an ancom? On economics, do you subscribe to the Austrian school, the Chicago school, Keynesianism, MMT, or something else?

  2. Do you have any experience moderating? (not required)

  3. What is your vision for the subreddit? How would you like to see it run? What are some improvements you’d like to implement if you become a mod?

  4. Many users have complained about the number of socialists on this subreddit who don’t believe in Austrian economics and don’t seem interested in learning about it in good faith. Is this a problem, and if so what should be done about it?

submitted by /u/AbolishtheDraft
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