Risking World War III – For a Woke Agenda?

Rough times, friends – the censorship is going to get more severe before it gets better.

I am not the only one being subjected to this.

Please bear with me as I work to get my work seen by everyone.


Without being a fear monger I have tried for five years to warn the world as to the globalist takeover of all democratic nation states and institutions by globalist forces.

But it is such a large and pervasive scheme it is difficult for we – as average citizens – to even begin to grasp – and even harder for me as a writer to communicate.

Nevertheless it is a reality and has led to us as constitutional republics to be enslaved by nefarious forces without our knowledge.

I share material from other sources freely when I feel a source can encapsulate and describe what is happening in an understandable way which I cannot provide in essay format.

And because we live in a world where much of our communication is fed through the internet in the form of video this is going to involve the sharing of educational and informative videos.

Those who do not watch may consider that they are not fully informed as to the content of this essay.

Unless however the inmates have broken free and now run us and our institutions – this is presumably precisely why we have enforceable constitutions and the laws based upon them.

If an act is constitutional then it is allowed – if is is not constitutional then it is simply not allowed by anyone who is not a slave.

Time to put the inmates who have broken out of the asylum back where they belong.

The GLOBALISTS WOKE AGENDA had put the entire planet at risk – and the only rational and logical response is to put the escaped inmates under protective custody – under lock and key which serves to protect self and other.

The USA managed a last minute fail safe – by electing, in just the nick of time – the sane rational and intelligent and sensible approach being exhibited by the Trump administration – who have implemented immediate actions to reverse the deadly effects of the WOKE agenda on America.

But because sane and rational and logical individuals echo what I have been describing for five years – that this globalist takeover by the terminally WOKE – represents the reality of having all constitutional republics destroyed forever – with no accountability – and with no hope at all for preventing the collapse of our civilizations into anarchy and chaos.

The fact the globalist regime got as far as it did indicates vast foundational cracks in the system which underwrites our civilized societies.

These cracks indicate basic incompetence – and a basic failure of the social contract – the glue which allows us to live together on this earth.

They indicate that we must change – change now – and change with all the seriousness and wisdom and integrity we can possibly muster.

The Trump administration represents a major break with the illogical and irrational and irresponsible policies which led to this disastrous breakdown in the social order.

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The post Risking World War III – For a Woke Agenda? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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