The EPA is a pay to pollute program. Pollution is more likely to be better controlled in a market court system where major corporate donors will not be protected by statutes.

“The EPA has told us that they have legal authority to grant the petition,” Emily Donovan, co-founder of Clean Cape Fear, said. “So the fact that they’re not granting the petition, in my mind, makes me feel like they’re doing it for a lack of political will. They’re afraid to upset the chemical industry, and they’re doing it at our expense, our health.”

EPA collects payments for pollution permits to the government instead of to those who suffer from the pollution.

In a market court system, perhaps there could be settlements where pollution victims accept payment to allow continued pollution, but at least in those cases the pay would be going to the victims instead of the criminal organization we call government.

submitted by /u/AgainstSlavers
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