Vote Trump Now. Vote Miley copy cats latter when available

Most libertarians say that both parties are equally bad.

I disagree.

Trump makes many overture toward libertarians.

He will free saint Ulbricht.

Let drugs flow as freely as porn.

We won in war on porn, war on drugs is next, and complete privatization of laws, rules, regulations, governments and everything else will follow.

He certainly wants low taxes.

Immigrants? Well my idea of libertarianism is network of private cities. You shop for regulations like you shop for anything else. With your wallet and feet. Most government service like dispute resolution and contract enforcement can be done online anyway.

Our God, or hand of God at least, the market, already privatize currency. We got bitcoin and monero. Soon everything else will be privatized brothers. Libertarian utopia is coming. We just need to pick the right steps.

Just like you don’t have to accept guests in your home, a private city doesn’t have to accept immigrants.

Network of nation states are already similar with network of private cities. Digital nomads, businesses, and investors can already shop around and effectively pay close to 0 taxes.

So Trump wanting only legal immigration is not so far fetch for me.

Compared to commie Harris inviting immigrants with welfare so they vote for more communism.

And and woke shit?

This is what DOJ under Biden Harris did.

Basically in government own words, which I forget the source but you can look that up, any written tests potentially violate civil right acts because it disproportionately affect blacks.

Physical tests like being able to judo throw suspects to the ground is also illegal under woke regimes because it disparately affect women.

And those DOJ can with a straight face bitch about how iq tests and physical tests have nothing to do with doing a good job as cops.

I am sorry officers, Eipstein stab himself 30 times in the back, we got his last dying words recorded here when he called 911 afterward. Must be normal suicide.

If anyone is retard enough to think that iq tests don’t make great cops you think they won’t charge you with murders or whatever you can’t possibly do?

If those woke shit win elelctions, the only semblance of meritoctacy you can get is in trading bitcoin. In every other jobs any tests for qualifications is illegal because blacks or women perform worse.

This effectively force businesses to lower standard for blacks and women

So that’s pretty much racism, anti meritocratic, and violate freedom of association.

I look for libertarians for Harris. The only sites I can find is a liberal progressive site. I don’t see any genuine libertarians for Harris.

What about libertarian Party?

Well they can’t win. But they can force Republicans candidate to consider their position.

And it does its purpose.

Trump will free Ulbricht. He came to libertarian convention. Before progressive are not economically free but at least chill on drugs and porn. Conservatices are great for economy but want to prohibit porn and prostitution.

Now, more and more I see conservatives to be more in line with libertarianism.

And Trump is also correct when he frustatedly told libertarians. Do you want to win or not? What is the point of libertarians winning 3 percent vote if that means being ruled by communists.

He at least come to libertarians to talk. Harris didn’t bother.

We live in a society. Rights don’t grow on tree. The gods or God that should be giving us rights are nowhere to be seen.

Rights, any rights, are something you have to fight for.

I don’t have right not to be scammed if I am dumb. I don’t have right not to be robbed if I am weak. Okay I may do, but practically so what?

It’s just reality. It’s only when I realize this my life becomes successful. Before I just keep being backstabbed and blame others.

In general, right is just a concept. Be stupid or weak and right is just that, a concept in my mind. Be strong and wise and I got far more whether commies agree or not.

To get right, anyone, be it libertarians, conservatives, or commies will have to win either civil war or election.

You want libertarian rights? You got to win election and you can by joining force with a self made billionaire fellow capitalist that earn his money through merit. You can push America and hence the whole world toward libertarianism by being strong and allying with the strong.

Any of your disagreement with conservatives can be resolved amicably by simply buying bitcoin or moving to different cities. Conservatices are pro state rights.

Trump understand business and economy. Harris is a retard or libtard.

What about freedom of speech? Saint Elon maybe jailed if Harris become Fuhrer of United States socialist of America. X is the only platform that don’t censor every little things commies disagree with.

Elon recently complained about Californian coast Guard limiting number of space x rockets that can be launched due to Elon speech. You can’t even disagree with commies when poliburto dear leader Harris is in charge.

Just like Jesus died for our sins, Elon spent $44 billion for your right to not play along with gender swapping games, that iq tests are not racists, that the market is great.

Americans can dream for another Miley or Elon as president. But that’s not the available choice right now.

Why not ask Miley who libertarians should vote for?

So what do you think?

A vote for Oliver maybe a vote for Harris. Too principled, too stubborn and libertarians will get nothing.

submitted by /u/Both_Bowler_7371
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