What is Milei’s position on polygamy and sugar relationship?

Imagine if Elon pay $10 million to any smart pretty women that give him heirs. Like 10 million per heirs. $500k for the woman, $9.5 k for the child.

And then Elon have 1000 children.

What is Milei’s position on that?

Why I ask?

I am in favor of non coercive eugenic. I think we need more people like Elon. And the only way to do so is to have children with genes that enable them to be as capable as Elon.

I understand in most democratic country this is politically incorrect.

Some would say the women are “exploited”. Another would say that the man is “incel” for “having to pay” women. Basically if Elon did that, he effectively do polygamy, which is the opposite of incel. But can’t argue with commies and libtards.

submitted by /u/FragrantCrow9541
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