Why worry about budget deficit if Trump lower tax

In his previous term, Trump reduce taxes. That’s something libertarians and conservatives agree with. Reduce taxes. Trump also promised to free Ulbricht and embrace bitcoin. As a libertarian I am impressed.

If you are a libertarian, chance is you are economically enlightened individuals and economically productive.

If your government is in financial strain, then they will save money, and welfare will be reduced by it self. So huge budget deficit is good because it eliminates welfare, public schools, and stuffs we libertarians don’t like.

Many libertarians are not happy with budget deficit. They like the low taxes but they’re not happy with budget deficit.

Why worry? Government can always inflate money.

What about if it causes inflation? Instead of taxing people the government just devalue currency? That fiats will be toilet papers anyway. What is inflation for those who hold bitcoin? Nothing. Something to laugh at. You’ll get maids at cheaper price when inflation go up and so is bitcoin.

You think inflation will go up, put your wallet in your faith is. Buy bitcoin, pax gold or monero. If you are not smart enough to figure this out, then remember this. There is one thing libertarianism won’t protect you from. Your own stupidity.

We’re libertarians. We’re smart. We understand economy. We know where things are headed. Why worry about inflation?

Tax sucks. But tax you don’t have to pay and benefit you is awesome.

Inflation is tax for those holding fiats. We libertarians know better to hold bitcoins. It’s the one thing being libertarians pay off.

Then don’t worry about inflation.

What about the poor?

Fuck the poor.

I think Trump is the most libertarian presidential candidate that can win, among the current 2 definitely.

He lowered tax on his first term.

Many said that he should have reduce government spending first. Well, he probably can’t. If he could, he would have eliminated welfare but that means not winning election. He did what he can. He reduce tax. Isn’t that good enough?

But Trump will raise tariff…

Oh….. another tax.

What else? But he will create lottery, which is tax for the stupid. Do you worry about lottery, which is tax for the stupid people? No. I am not stupid. Why do I worry about lottery.

For the same reason why worry about inflation, which is the tax on those holding future toilet paper.

Why do you fear tax for the stupid. You are smart. I am a libertarian because I like getting rich according to my Karma. I think I am wise and if people disagree, let them try and see who got rich.

You see. Tariff is a very REGRESIVE tax.

Regressive tax is easy to avoid. Get rich and your portion of those taxes will be negligible.

That’s probably the only 2 things non libertarian that Trump will do. Hell, not bad at all.

What else? Close borders. You want lots of commies voters voting for more socialism? About half of libertarians are pro borders anyway. You don’t accept people to your house and let them rule the house, why would you want to allow anyone to come to your place AND then vote socialism increasing tax for you?

Without welfare and without democracy then yea open border maybe nice. But that’s just not reality.

submitted by /u/Confident-Cupcake164
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