Would a coordinated boycott or Tesla shorting campaign targeted at Elon Musk be considered domestic terrorism?

Yesterday President Trump said he would consider asset destruction of specifically Tesla property to be an act of domestic terrorism. That leftists can’t destroy a specific company because of ideological reasons.

So, if:

Terrorism: use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government or civilian population in furtherance of political or social objectives

Force: To gain by the use of force or coercion / To compel through pressure or necessity

With a large portion of Musk’s wealth held in Tesla stock (between a third and a quarter), would a coordinated effort by the Radical Left to devalue that not represent a form of economic coercion for ideological or political gain? To hurt someone they disagree with not simply by not purchasing their products themselves, but by using the Leftist Collective wealth/manipulation as a weapon against someone they don’t like? Wouldn’t that be a form of asset destruction for political gain?

submitted by /u/MFrancisWrites
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