Speeding biker gets instant karma
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submitted by /u/RollingMeteors [link] [comments]
It’s official. 2024 was the hottest year in the instrumental record. How hot? Last year the global average temperature rose more than 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above the 19th century pre-industrial mean, according to most of the scientific organizations that track global temperature trends. This exceeds, for the first time, the aspirational goal set forth by the 2015 Paris Climate Change Agreement to limit the increase in global temperatures to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. […]
I’m delighted to be able to pass along this item from my Stanford colleague Prof. Michael McConnell (Stanford Law School), one of the nation’s leading scholars on the Religion Clauses: The Supreme Court has a unique opportunity this Term (or next) to hear four cases with major implications for religious liberty. One case is already on the merits docket—Catholic Charities Bureau v. Wisconsin Labor and Industry Review Commission, which involves a challenge to Wisconsin’s determination that Catholic Charities […]
Obviously the unregulated free market has many advantages, but there are certain scenarios where I see people touting the benefits of regulations. One recent example of this is the implementation of USB C ports in all new iphones. the EU was going to halt the sale of all new iphones unless they added USB C ports. Many people are saying that this was a huge benefit to society, not forcing people to have a bunch of different cables […]
submitted by /u/delugepro [link] [comments]
I’m delighted to report that Ilya Shapiro (Manhattan Institute) will be guest-blogging this week about this new book of his. From the publisher’s summary: In the past, Columbia Law School produced leaders like Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Now it produces window-smashing activists. When protestors at Columbia broke into a building and created illegal encampments, the student-led Columbia Law Review demanded that finals be canceled because of “distress.” At Stanford, chanting activists, egged on by an […]
submitted by /u/plawwell [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/Tar-Nuine [link] [comments]