My Zestiest Epigrams of 2024
We may be in the New Year, but James Bovard is not ready to put the craziness of 2024 in his rearview mirror. Here are some epigrams he wrote to explain the madness of an election year.
Maryland Cop Who Recklessly Shot a 5-Year-Old Boy Got Qualified Immunity
During an August 2016 standoff with an armed woman at an apartment in Baltimore County, Maryland, a police officer fired his rifle through an interior wall into the kitchen. The bullet struck the woman, Korryn Gaines, in the upper back, then ricocheted off the refrigerator, striking her 5-year-old son, Kodi, in the cheek. The officer, Baltimore County Cpl. Royce Ruby, later testified that he fired the “head shot” without a clear view of Gaines, saying he could see […]
‘Controle estatal’, diz Sanderson, sobre monitoramento de transações
O deputado federal Ubiratan Sanderson (PL-RS) definiu como um “absurdo controle estatal” o monitoramento da Receita Federal de todas as transações financeiras acima de R$ 5 mil. A Instrução Normativa da Receita Federal, que passou a valer em janeiro deste ano, exige que instituições de pagamento informem ao órgão as transferências superiores a R$ 5 mil para pessoas físicas, e as R$ 15 mil para pessoas jurídicas. + Leia mais notícias de Política em Oeste Sanderson afirma que […]
Pennsylvania Officer, Former Vice Cop Charged With Rape, Involuntary Sexual Servitude: DA
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2025: The Year of Agency
The post 2025: The Year of Agency appeared first on The Advocates for Self-Government.
Cato Responds: Biden Foreign Legacy Remarks
With just days left in office, President Joe Biden held his final remarks on foreign policy, highlighting his legacy by arguing that his administration strengthened the United States’ global standing. But his policies did no such thing, as Jon Hoffman, a research fellow at the Cato Institute, points out in his statement: lead , President Biden’s speech was detached from any semblance of reality. To pretend the Biden administration’s foreign policy was anything other than a colossal failure […]
The Turning Point of World History
Rose Wilder Lane, known for her many writings, also has been a favorite of libertarians. In this week‘s Friday Philosophy, David Gordon reviews a book based on her columns in the Pittsburgh Courier from 1942-45 on race and race relations.