Man ‘cooked on asphalt’ set to sue Phoenix PD for $15M
submitted by /u/m4moz [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/m4moz [link] [comments]
The free market has no room for racists. If you feel called out, you have to leave or realise that you are blinded by silly feelings and start to accept reality that privacy is king 👑. What matters more is restoring privacy and individual freedom, immigration does not pose a threat to any of those submitted by /u/Kahootalin [link] [comments]
Pituffik Space Base, formerly known as Thule Air Base, is one of the loneliest U.S. military assignments in the world. Built on Arctic permafrost, the base hosts 200 troops in Greenland’s far north. Its closest neighbor is 75 miles away, a small town called Qaanaaq, population 646. Not that it matters, since the only ways in or out of the base are military flights and a ship that visits once a year. “You can go to the bowling […]
Tweet … is from page 121 of the 1969 Arlington House edition of Ludwig von Mises’s 1944 Yale University Press book, Omnipotent Government: The Rise of the Total State and Total War (available free-of-charge on-line here): Now the greatest accomplishment of reason is the discovery of the advantages of social coöperation, and its corollary, the division of labor. DBx: That modern society features specialized organizations and workers is clear to the naked eye. How this specialization emerges and […]
If yes, what party would you run under? submitted by /u/timpin345 [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/technocraticnihilist [link] [comments] Princes of the yen is about how the central bank of Japan caused a financial bunnle so they could tank the Japanese economy till changes in the economic structure could be implemented. Thousands of businesses went bankrupt and people were committing suicide in droves and it was all done on purpose by the central bank of Japan. Its horrifying It is a brilliant book written by an investment analyst from Germany who worked at the Tokyo branch […]
Whether you’re an ancap, non-ancap, someone studying the ideology, or interested but still skeptical for whatever reason, tell me your concerns or arguments in the thread and I will explain it from an ancap perspective. submitted by /u/Impressive-Door3726 [link] [comments]