Can We Have Health Care without Health Insurance Companies?
By John C. Goodman
Tweet Here’s a letter to the Wall Street Journal: Editor: Environmental Defense Fund president Fred Krupp makes “the case for subsidizing electric vehicles,” insisting that ending these subsidies will “cede global leadership to China” (January 7). This case fails. While Mr. Krupp is correct that subsidies from Congress draw more American resources and workers toward producing EVs, he ignores the fact that these inputs must be drawn away from producing other goods and services. Importantly, the key inputs […]
From yesterday’s N.Y. intermediate appellate court decision in Smartmatic USA Corp. v. Fox Corp., by Judges Peter Moulton, Barbara Kapnick, Saliann Scarpulla, Manuel Mendez, and Kelly O’Neill Levy: In our prior decision in this matter, we modified the motion court’s order to, among other things, dismiss the causes of action asserted against Fox Corporation without prejudice to repleading. With respect to Fox Corporation, we found that “the complaint does not adequately allege that any Fox Corporation employee played […]
Quando superamos o medo e não tememos mais nada, a vida parece adquirir um novo significado. Percebemos que nossa presença neste mundo se destina justamente a enfrentar esses desafios e, ao fazê-lo, somos presenteados com a verdadeira essência da existência.
Ireland is suffering from the same kind of housing crisis that has hurt the US. Not surprisingly, the crises in both countries have their roots in government intervention undertaken ostensibly to make housing more affordable.
I’m delighted to be able to pass along this item from my Stanford colleague Prof. Michael McConnell (Stanford Law School), one of the nation’s leading scholars on the Religion Clauses: The Supreme Court has a unique opportunity this Term (or next) to hear four cases with major implications for religious liberty. One case is already on the merits docket—Catholic Charities Bureau v. Wisconsin Labor and Industry Review Commission, which involves a challenge to Wisconsin’s determination that Catholic Charities […]
O ex-ministro da Secretaria de Comunicação da Presidência da República (Secom) Paulo Pimenta afirmou, durante discurso da cerimônia de posse de Sidônio Palmeira como novo chefe da pasta, que Lula tem “toda a razão de querer dar uma sacudida na comunicação”. Ao comparar a comunicação do governo a um time de futebol, Pimenta declarou: “Quando a gente sabe que o time é bom e o resultado não é aquele que a gente espera, o presidente tem o dever […]