submitted by /u/Tydyjav [link] [comments]
In FY 2024, the U.S. resettled 100,034 refugees—the highest number in 30 years and about nine times the number resettled in FY 2021. The 2024 tally is a reason to celebrate and a reminder that refugee resettlement is highly subject to presidential whims. America’s modern refugee resettlement system was established in 1980. The U.S. legally defines a refugee as someone who is living outside of his home country and can’t or won’t return to that country because of previous or potential persecution based on certain […]
submitted by /u/spreyes [link] [comments]
If yes, what party would you run under? submitted by /u/timpin345 [link] [comments]
As I have emphasized in the past two days, “the Trump regime will be tamed before it takes office.” In the Western World You Become Respectable by Selling Out the People Trump Regime Already Backing Off on Pardons for January 6 Supporters of Trump Now it is Tulsi Gabbard who is finding respectability in order to be confirmed. “Tulsi Gabbard Says She Now Supports Controversial Surveillance Law. Gabbard had previously criticized Section 702 as enabling the government to ’trample’ […]
In the early days of YouTube. The ancaps had Stefan Molyneux, of course, but there was a really good fellow whos name I don’t remember: Skinny white guy. Glasses. Always read from a script. To the point and succinct. Crappy Webcam. Bonus points if you are that guy. submitted by /u/CrowBot99 [link] [comments]
On December 14, James Harr, the owner of an online store called ComradeWorkwear, announced on social media that he planned to sell a deck of “Most Wanted CEO” playing cards, satirizing the infamous “Most-wanted Iraqi playing cards” introduced by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency in 2003. Per the ComradeWorkwear website, the Most Wanted CEO cards would offer “a critique of the capitalist machine that sacrifices people and planet for profit,” and “Unmask the oligarchs, CEOs, and profiteers who […]
In November, year-over-year growth in the money supply was at 2.35 percent. That’s a 27-month high and the largest year-over-year increase since September 2022.
In January 2017, President-Elect Trump held a press conference and released a conflict of interest policy. In what feels like a lifetime ago, many people learned for the first time about the Emoluments Clause. The paper, produced by Morgan Lewis, offered this analysis: From President Washington to Vice President Rockefeller to President-Elect Trump, many of this Nation’s leaders have been extraordinarily successful businessmen. Neither the Constitution nor federal law prohibits the President or Vice President from owning or […]