Why We Are Still Arguing About the Health Effects of Moderate Drinking
Even moderate drinking could give you cancer, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy warned last week. But according to a congressionally commissioned report published last month, moderate drinking is associated with reduced overall mortality. Although those findings are not as contradictory as they might seem, the dueling glosses reflect the complexities and ambiguities of epidemiology. The evidence on this subject is vast but open to interpretation, leaving ample room for spin, especially when it comes to this year’s politically fraught […]
Yes, California’s Fast-Food Minimum Wage Law Has Killed Thousands of Jobs
Michael Chapman Recent estimates on job losses in California caused by a $20 minimum wage hike for fast-food employees confirm what classical liberal economics has always taught about the minimum wage and what Cato experts said about the law last summer. As Milton Friedman taught, minimum wage laws “increase unemployment” and “the groups that will be hurt the most are the low-paid and the unskilled.” In California, the raise in the minimum wage for fast-food workers from $16 […]
Train slam into car whose driver went through gates
At least one person was injured following a car crash involving a Brightline train in North Miami Beach on Wednesday morning, officials said. At least one person was injured following a car crash involving a Brightline train in North Miami Beach on Wednesday morning, officials said. Read More
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Tweet GMU Econ alum Holly Jean Soto busts the myth of “greedflation.” Scott Lincicome identifies an interesting contrast between the facts and opinion about China. George Will decries the spinelessness the modern U.S. Congress. A slice: The incoming president will be able, on a whim, to unilaterally discombobulate international commerce — and the domestic economy — with tariffs. Congress has lost interest in exercising its constitutionally enumerated power “to regulate commerce with foreign nations.” Because of such self-diminishing […]
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Tweet Wall Street Journal columnist Allysia Finley writes that “Gavin Newsom promised to ‘Trump-proof’ the Golden State. If only he’d fireproofed it instead.” Here’s more: Start with its environmental obsessions. The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power in 2019 sought to widen a fire-access road and replace old wooden utility poles in the Topanga Canyon abutting the Palisades with steel ones to make power lines fire- and wind-resistant. In the process, crews removed an estimated 182 Braunton’s […]
Register for the Libertarian Scholars Conference 2025
The Mises Institute will host the Libertarian Scholars Conference on March 20 at our Auburn campus.
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Tweet Arnold Kling ponders the consequences of the rise of FOOL – the Fear Of Others’ Liberty. A slice: Although ordinary people can be FOOLs, I believe that the bigger danger comes from elites behaving like FOOLs. Putting out regulations against gas stoves is an idea that originates with elites. Politicians often compete for votes by stoking fear. Fear of being cheated in commerce. Fear of health problems. Fear of economic adversity. Fear of foreigners. Fear of terrorism. […]
Vídeo: Lula dá bronca em auxiliar e pede que galeria do Planalto cite ‘mentiras’ de Bolsonaro
O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) deu uma bronca em um auxiliar nesta quinta-feira, 9, durante visita à galeria de ex-presidentes do Palácio do Planalto. Acompanhado da primeira-dama, Rosângela da Silva, a Janja, e do ministro da Casa Civil, Rui Costa, Lula se mostrou insatisfeito com “falta de informações” sobre os chefes de Estado e exigiu a inclusão de um contexto, mas de acordo com a visão do PT. + Leia mais notícias de Política em […]